Chinese government ratifies and carries out China Spark Program which is the first plan depended on science and technology to promote the economic development of countryside and is an important component of our national economy and technological development plan. The aim is to bring advanced and applicative technology in countryside, to guide hundreds of millions of Chinese farmers to develop rural economy by technology, to guide township enterprise and promote the overall quality of Chinese farmers, to make agriculture and rural economy have a continue, fast and healthy development.
Hailir Pesticides and Chemicals Group runs leading business in producing high-efficiency ,less toxic,and environment friendly pesticide. With outstanding team and strong accumulation, Hailir determines scientific and innovation in pesticides developing.
Company sets Sustainable Innovation as her core competence,and promote independent innovation in green pesticides and gains rich honor of all time.
Winning China Spark Program event (2015 national program)
lNew type seeds treatment Qiaojia produced and used successfully
l32.5% Difenoconazole*Azoxystrobin SC success in industrial production process